A blog about dolls, sewing, cross stitching, crocheting and other ramblings of a stay at home mom trying to earn a few extra dollars.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Happy New Year!!
I am hoping that the new year will bring in changes for me. Like sales in my Etsy shop. I would like to be able to put money towards our mortgage, as sewing is the only job I can do with my back injury.
I am also hoping that my body will finally settle down and release the extra weight, so that the back pain will lessen and I will be able to do more. :)
Lastly, I hope that everyone has a safe, happy and healthy Happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Merry Christmas!
I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a safe and Happy Holiday!!
Friday, December 11, 2015
Silk and rearranging
So I bought 1 yard each of 6 colours of silk and they came in today. Blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, and white all pastel colours. I needed the white for a specific outfit and couldn't find silk locally and I refuse to pay more for polyester silk. The first pic is all the glorious silk, the second is the fabric I am pairing together for outfit. I will also be adding beads and lace to complete it.

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Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Incoming Silk
Having issues with finding silk around here, unless I want to cross the border and spend tons on each piece, not to mention the toll both ways on the bridge to and from the States, so hubby has told me to make an order! I ordered 6 yards of silk dupioni in 6 colors. I will do an unboxing, so I won't tell you what colors I ordered, but I will tell you that one of the colors is for a Little Darling outfit. :)
Our local fabric store sold it before, then stopped, then started carrying it again, and now stopped as it wasn't selling. Joann's across the river sells it, but for a lot more than I can get it online. Don't get me wrong, whenever I can, I do shop locally. I don't want the stores to close and have to pay shipping for everything. But in this instance, where I can get 6 yards for the price of maybe 4, I am ordering online. Not to mention, 3 free samples of other fabrics, and lots more colors than anything I could find locally.
I will do an unboxing on Youtube and post it here as well.
I also just found out today that my Kaye Wiggs doll is in the process of being painted now, so hopefully she will be here before Christmas. If not, it will make an awesome late Christmas gift to myself. :)
Monday, November 23, 2015
Youtube Channel
Hello everyone. Just thought I would post this here. I have a Youtube channel (actually, I have 3), but the one I am posting here is going to be for sewing, dolls, unboxing, fabric hauls, bead hauls, and anything else with crafting. I am posting the link for the first video here and you can see what I look like. :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Book Blog
Hello everyone! I have another blog! It is for my books and videos on books I am reading, what I want to read, and reviews. I am not leaving the sewing or doll world, just adding this to my many things I like to do.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Stitching today
This is what I am stitching today. Until I ran into a bit of an oops. Cot the wrong fabric for the bodice back. I will cut out the proper fabric a little later.

posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Just the fish left
I have only the fish left to stitch. I left them for last for a couple of reasons. First I prefer to stitch the background stuff first and second I like the bright colours of the fish.

posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, August 21, 2015
She's here!!
I am ecstatic with her. I am enthralled with how pretty she is and Geri did an awesome job painting her. I put her in her first outfit even though it's not quite finished yet.

posted from Bloggeroid
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Little Darling finally
Finally, my first Little Darling doll is on her way home. Geri emailed me last week to let me know she was painting her that day, and then the next day the invoice came, and it was paid. Then nothing. Geri emailed me yesterday asking about a post I had made on the message board, and we realized that my payment sort of got missed. She checked into it, and emailed me this morning saying that they found the payment and she was being shipped out today. I checked the tracking, and she left this morning. I will post pics, and maybe a video of me opening her up. Stay tuned!
Monday, August 3, 2015
I am soooo excited!!!
Geri Uribe emailed this morning letting me know that is going to be painting my Little Darling today! It is my first one and I can't wait for her to get here. :-D
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, July 20, 2015
Doll Jewelry
I have been procrastinating making doll jewelry until now. I have a few outfits that just needed jewelry before putting it up on Etsy, and I decided that I would get those done today and hopefully get the pictures taken and finally up on Etsy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Another outfit for Etsy
Hello. I hope everyone is having a good summer so far. I haven't been able to do much sewing wise, as it has been so, so hot here. I did get one more outfit put up in Etsy and have a few outfits almost finished and will soon have them up as well.
Patchouli for Julie
Monday, June 29, 2015
My Etsy shop is now open!!!
I have finally been able to add some items to my shop. In the next coming days, I will be adding more as I finish them. I have about several outfits that just need finishing touches and they will be added.
Kizzie Creations on Etsy
Monday, June 22, 2015
Facebook, Etsy and real life
Hello everyone. I am slowly getting things going with my Etsy shop. I am taking new photos, setting up Facebook and will have some items in Etsy hopefully by the weekend. Real life has made it so difficult in getting things going. My son's medications are not working, so we are in the process of switching him over as well as dealing with getting extra help for him and getting him ready to go to a new school in the fall.
I do have a new Facebook page up for my creations. https://www.facebook.com/kizziecreations
I will also be adding my things to pinterest soon and I will post the address here as well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Fish City
I haven't posted about my cross stitching in a while. I have not finished all of the buildings and windows. That took a while to do. Now just the seaweed, the fish anf the billboard. I saved them for last because I prefer all the colours for last.

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Monday, June 8, 2015
Kaye Wiggs Dolls
I have admired these dolls from afar for awhile now. I would forget them, see them again, not knowing how to order them. Then, as I was looking at a site for wigs for my other BJD dolls, I realized that they were the dealers for Kaye Wiggs dolls. I have seen a few preorders come and go with them, but the dolls there were not appealing to me. Not that the dolls weren't cute or anything like that, they just were not what I was wanting.
Then, along came Laryssa. I missed out on the shell pink preorder of her, but am so thankful for that, as I was wanting the soft pink. I also had it within my budget (credit card had money on it) LOL, and so, with the preorder ending on June 16, (originally it was set for June 12), I ordered her after my anniversary. I made sure that all of hubby's anniversary gifts were in hand and he was happy, and a day or two later, I ordered my first Kaye Wiggs doll, Laryssa! Now, for the dreaded long wait, but sometime this month or next month, my first Little Darling should be here.
I will post the link for Laryssa for you to see.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Sewing and maybe new doll
I cut out and worked on a dress yesterday. Need to find some fabric which I misplaced in the unpacking in order to finish the other part to it. Also cutting out two dresses today and am going to work on them today. These are for the new 50's girl that is coming out I believe in August.
I have fallen for the Kaye Wiggs dolls and finally one of the ones I like in the skin color I like is up for preorder and my budget might be able to swing it, so I will hopefully get her in November/December and be able to buy more of Magalie's patterns. I absolutely love her patterns.
My Little Darling should be coming home hopefully next month and I have a few patterns and ideas for her as well.
I have changed my logo font and will be working on my banners and labels until I can order good ones in a bit.
The sun is shining, nice breeze and a wonderful day. Hope everyone enjoys their day. :)
Saturday, May 16, 2015
My husband Jason and his co-worker Brian got new jackets from the company they sub-contract from, so he asked me if it's possible to get their names put on them. I did them up this afternoon. What do you think?

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Friday, May 1, 2015
Over 30,000 Rhinestones
You would never guess that in this small package there is over 30,000 rhinestones!

I am a sucker for them. I am hoping to start sewing for my Realpuki doll which is smaller than a Kelly Barbie doll so I figured I would get some small rhinestones as I like having them on hand.

30,000 Rhinestones! WOW! Have a good day everyone.

I am a sucker for them. I am hoping to start sewing for my Realpuki doll which is smaller than a Kelly Barbie doll so I figured I would get some small rhinestones as I like having them on hand.

30,000 Rhinestones! WOW! Have a good day everyone.
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, April 13, 2015
Grace is here
Grace arrived today and I love her.

Had to do a bunch of running around today and it was raining most of the day. Now the sun is shining and just waiting for the wash to finish with my fabric and then I can get started on the next outfit. Have a great day.

Had to do a bunch of running around today and it was raining most of the day. Now the sun is shining and just waiting for the wash to finish with my fabric and then I can get started on the next outfit. Have a great day.
posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Here is what will be going on Etsy soon

These are a few items that I will be posting in Etsy. I just have to upload and edit the photos and they should be up.
We are now almost unpacked which is easing some stress as I couldn't find certain fabric for my next project, but it has appeared. Now I just have to wash it and get started.
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Trying new app on phone
If I can get this to work, I will be able to post pictures more often. Let's hope it works.
posted from Bloggeroid
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Pattern Cutout
Yay!! I finally got to sit down and cut out a pattern today. It's a pair of PJ's with owls on it for AG. I have been able to unpack most of my dolls, fabric and machines. Now it's just an area to clear off and find places for. I might just cut out another set of PJ's with a different owl print and sew them up at the same time. Each of my two kids have had appointments and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, then my days are free to finish up unpacking or just sewing. :)
I think I might take better photos of the outfits I will be putting in my Etsy shop as the lighting is better in our new house. Lots of natural light even on overcast days. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of today.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
In our new house!!
We are finally all moved into our new house. Not fully unpacked yet, but we are in. It took us about a week to fully move in, but luckily we did it over March break so no worries about getting the kids up and off to school. Now the fun starts. Unpacking. At least my sewing machine is unpacked after a day of looking for the cords. We should be all unpacked, or at least mostly unpacked by the end of the weekend, so hopefully, my Etsy shop will have items in it before April. Yay!!!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Well, so much for that idea
I was all set to at least get some pajamas cut out so at least I would feel productive, but the fabric is so wrinkled, and flannel holds it's wrinkles, that it didn't get done. All my irons are either packed and under other boxes, or hidden behind the mountain of boxes. At least my cross stitching is still out, so I can do that. I am counting down the days until we get our keys for our house and then all this waiting will be over. 12 days to go!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
I may not be able to sew, but...
I found just a few pieces of fabric that were not quite packed away, so I will be cutting out a few pajama patterns today. Maybe I can convince the hubby to move some boxes in order to access my machine! :)
Saturday, February 21, 2015
I wish I was sewing...
This waiting is killing me!! I want to be sewing, but all my fabric is packed away. My sewing machine is sitting on my table, behind a tower of packed boxes, looking all lonely. It's just under 3 weeks until we get the keys to our new house, and time is going very slowly. I am still very sick, but I think I am on the upside now. Starting to feel a little better.
On the upside, I won Thimbles and Acorns guess the illustrations contest! I am getting my prize of 7 shell buttons sent to my mother's house because the way the mail is around here, I would hate for them to get lost or missed.
I have a picture of some of the outfits that I was hoping to get into my Etsy shop before now, but it was just not meant to be until after the move. I just have to figure out how to post from my phone to here.
Hope everyone has a good day!
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Hoping to have my Etsy shop open by now, but.......
I have been steadily sick since November and now we are closing on our first house on March 11! Just in time to move on March break. I am taking some photos of a couple of outfits that are ready to get put up on Etsy, and in doing this, I realized that some of them weren't quite finished or needed something extra. :)
Buying a house has had it's moments as well. We found a house, did all the inspections and just before closing, the sellers backed out which left us back at square one. We then found a better house on the same street for the same price and everything is a go for next month. I believe everything happens for a reason. The second house was originally out of our price range, but they had to sell fast as they were relocating and found a house to buy, so it worked out to our advantage.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Best Wishes for us....
I know I keep saying that I will soon have my Etsy shop open, and it will. I have about 7 outfits so far ready to go. The weather here has been just horrible for taking photos. Snow squalls and no light. It is just horrible, so please bear with me.
Also, we are in the middle of negotiating a fair price for our first home. We are going back and forth with the sellers, and hopefully by next week, the deal will be done and we can get our inspections done. When all this is finished, we will not only have a games/family room downstairs, but I will have a huge sewing area as well. I am excited, but not holding my breathe, as the deal could fall through. But it does look promising, hence the blog title.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Happy New Year!
I know, it's late, but at least I made it within the week! LOL Today I hope to finish off an outfit for Julie that will go into my Etsy shop and I'm hoping that in the next day or two, I can get photos of the other outfits done (after making a few undergarments for some) and put them up also. My camera for some reason is only taking grainy photos, but my phone takes nice ones so I will have to transfer them onto the computer. I will also post pics here as well. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!
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