A blog about dolls, sewing, cross stitching, crocheting and other ramblings of a stay at home mom trying to earn a few extra dollars.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays with lots of family time. :)
Friday, November 14, 2014
She's here
Friday, November 7, 2014
Sheldon and Amy
I have them sitting on my printer. I felt that was the perfect spot for them. :) Amy came with glasses, but as we are hoping to buy our first home and move in the next few months, I didn't want to lose them so I left them in her box for now. I think that the photos on the Tonner website do not do her justice. She is quite pretty in person. Enjoy!
If the photo looks wonky, photobucket is not being nice right now.

Sunday, November 2, 2014
Yesterday was my birthday and hubby made it wonderful. He had to work all day, which is normal and doesn't upset me at all. He took my mother, the kids and I out to dinner and then gifted me with an embroidery hoop for my new embroidery/sewing machine, a couple of cd's, several gift cards for fabric and beads and since he always has a hard time ordering MyAG dolls, (he doesn't know how to order the non-historical dolls and when he puts in the product code, it says it doesn't exist), he told me to go ahead and order the doll and he would pay for it. So I ordered a #22 MyAG doll as she looks exactly like my late best friend who had passed away just days after my 20th birthday.
I know I still owe you a picture of Sheldon and Amy and will get that posted asap.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween!!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween! My kids had fun. Hubby always takes them out as I can't walk for any distance due to my back and they practically run to every house. It is tradition to go to my mom's house and the kids go around there and I stay with my mom and give out candy. :)
Thursday, October 30, 2014
AGPlaythings Halloween Swap
As usual, I participated in the Halloween swap. It is my favorite swap of the year. This year, my swap partner wanted Elsa from frozen. So, I bought the pattern, got the fabric and sewed away. :) Lanie decided to model it for me.
I had asked for anything relating to either Final Fantasy or Zelda video games. These are my favorite games to play and I have been playing them since they first came out, many, many years ago. (Shhh, my age must remain a secret!) LOL. I received a very beautiful Zelda costume, unfortunately, in transit, the box got squished and some pieces were broken. After several attempts to fix it, I managed to get the pieces to stay together, albeit, a bit tenuously. I was able to take a quick photo or two of Saige wearing the costume, and then carefully took off the headgear as it was the piece that broke into so many other pieces. The glue just doesn't like to attach itself to the clay that the headgear is made of. It keeps slipping off. Anyhow, here is my lovely Zelda costume. I really do love it. :)
Please don't mind the dark picture. My house is always dark and it's rainy here so couldn't get the best photo.

Friday, August 1, 2014
Liberty Jane Design Academy
I have been wanting to do this since they were first started, and finally I am able to join! I am using this to give myself either a kickstart back into sewing or/and maybe get my creative juices flowing in designing. I am not only doing this for the AG dolls, but would like to take the knowledge I will learn and put it towards my other size dolls. Especially when patterns for these dolls are not available. Today is the start of it, but it pretty much is just the getting to know you phase. The work starts on Monday and I can't wait to see what this is all about. :)
Monday, July 21, 2014
Amy Farrah Fowler and Little Darlings
Well, hubby and I love The Big Bang Theory show, and originally we only ordered the Sheldon doll, but knowing Tonner Dolls will eventually, hopefully make the entire cast of dolls, I went and pre-ordered the Amy doll as well.
Also, I have fallen in love with Dianna Effner's Little Darling dolls and I was able to order a Piper doll that will be custom painted by Geri Uribe. I can't wait! These dolls are so precious looking. Once it gets closer to her being shipped to me, I will start collecting patterns for doll outfits for her. Starting with MHD Designs. I love Magalie's patterns and have almost all of them for the AG dolls.
I am waiting for a big shipment of beads from Fire Mountain Gems to come in so that I can finish some outfits and begin on other outfits. I will post pictures of the shipment and the outfits soon.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Happy Easter
I hope everyone had a very nice Easter. It was nice here. Just a usual Sunday supper with my mom over. She comes over every Sunday for supper, it was just a little more special since it was Easter. :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Still working on outfits
I am still working on outfits to put up in my Etsy shop. I have a few finished, well, more than a few, and a couple in the process of being finished. I just made an order with Fire Mountain Gems and it has the beads I need to finish one outfit. I still have to figure out what fabrics I will use for anohter outfit, and a third outfit is being stitched and I need to get some buttons for that one. I am hoping to have at least 20 outfits to start out with and different price points, based on the difficulty/time/fabric used while making them. Some were really quick to make, others took quite a bit of time.
I will post pics of the beads I ordered. I love Fire Mountain Gems. They are awesome to order from. This will be my 4th order in the last year, and I still want more!! LOL
On another doll note, Tonner came out with their new collection today and as soon as I showed my hubby the new Sheldon doll, he said to order it. I also want to order a Patsy doll, but there is no photo for the two that I am interested in, and I really don't like to order things sight unseen. I will however, post pics as soon as I get them. They are only preorders right now.
Have a great day!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Time has flown by
It's hard to believe it's almost February already. Right now, we are under a ton of snow and it's just starting to warm up. Not by much though. There is still more snow expected today.
I have been sewing off and on and just trying to stockpile outfits for AG for my Etsy shop to hopefully open soon. I don't want to have just one outfit. I prefer to have several to start with at different price points, so there will be something for everyone.
Hope your day is good. :)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year
Just stopping in to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Here's to a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year!!
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