A blog about dolls, sewing, cross stitching, crocheting and other ramblings of a stay at home mom trying to earn a few extra dollars.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween!!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween! My kids had fun. Hubby always takes them out as I can't walk for any distance due to my back and they practically run to every house. It is tradition to go to my mom's house and the kids go around there and I stay with my mom and give out candy. :)
Thursday, October 30, 2014
AGPlaythings Halloween Swap
As usual, I participated in the Halloween swap. It is my favorite swap of the year. This year, my swap partner wanted Elsa from frozen. So, I bought the pattern, got the fabric and sewed away. :) Lanie decided to model it for me.
I had asked for anything relating to either Final Fantasy or Zelda video games. These are my favorite games to play and I have been playing them since they first came out, many, many years ago. (Shhh, my age must remain a secret!) LOL. I received a very beautiful Zelda costume, unfortunately, in transit, the box got squished and some pieces were broken. After several attempts to fix it, I managed to get the pieces to stay together, albeit, a bit tenuously. I was able to take a quick photo or two of Saige wearing the costume, and then carefully took off the headgear as it was the piece that broke into so many other pieces. The glue just doesn't like to attach itself to the clay that the headgear is made of. It keeps slipping off. Anyhow, here is my lovely Zelda costume. I really do love it. :)
Please don't mind the dark picture. My house is always dark and it's rainy here so couldn't get the best photo.

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