A blog about dolls, sewing, cross stitching, crocheting and other ramblings of a stay at home mom trying to earn a few extra dollars.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Kit is here!!
We took advantage of American Girl's free shipping last week and ordered Kit for our daughter for Christmas. Ever since she seen her first AG catalog, she has wanted Kit. We ordered her accessories as well, but I was only able to take a quick photo of Kit herself as my son was due home and I didn't want him spilling the beans to his big sister about the new dolly. LOL I never really liked Kit, but seeing her in person makes me love her. She is just adorable.
In other news, I was supposed to be taking photos of my items to put in my Etsy shop, but unfortunately, the whole household, except for my son, got a nasty flu bug and put a stop to that. Hopefully this week, I will be able to finally put photos up and get things in my store. I have 4 hats for Julie, and a dress each for Elizabeth, Addy and Caroline.
Please excuse the huge photos. I resize all my photos, but photobucket just does not want to co-operate.

Monday, October 29, 2012
New cat
Some of you know we had to put one of our cats, Wiggy, down in June. She was a wedding gift. She ended up getting cancer by the time we found out, it was too late. Well, we were able to get a new cat and her name is Razzle. She is a funny little cat and we love her. Her favorite spot is on my husband's shoulders. Every time he picks her up, she scrambles up there and lays down. :)

Received my other swap item
I received my second swap item. I got a very sweet fall dress for my #21 Gracie. Lady Alec send a crocheted shrug and belt as well as some lovely fall photos that she made into a booklet. She does amazing photography. My Gracie wants to run out in a meadow with the breeze, but it is way too cold here to do that! LOL

Friday, October 26, 2012
Received my first swap item
Outfits sent and received
Both outfits that I made for the two swaps I entered have been sent, received and posted, so now I can post what I made. The blue princess dress went to Jenifer/Gomunk on the AGDollhouse board. The victorian outfit when to Julie/jchappa on the AGPlaythings board. I sent some other goodies to them as well.
Sorry if some of the pictures are a bit washed out. Lighting was poor.

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Swap and happenings
Well, I had signed up for two swaps. One on AG Playthings and one on AG Dollhouse. Both have been made and sent out. One has been received and I'm still waiting to hear if the other one has been received and then I will post pictures of everything.
I have been so busy lately that I have not been able to get on here. I had to go to Indiana for a special MRI to see the damage from my car accident over 4 years ago. Our MRI machine is horizontal and loud. The one I went for is a vertical MRI and pretty quiet. It shows more than the horizontal one.
I have also been dealing with my sons diagnosis of not only ADHD which I was expecting as it runs in my family and my daughter has it, but he also has Aspergers, which is a form of Autism, which we were not expecting. Now that we know what is happening with him, his school and surrounding organizations are there to help. It is great that so many people are working together to give him the best help he needs.
I am really hoping to get everything settled and get sewing as I now have an Etsy shop and would love to start selling. Once I have something in it, I will post the name here so everyone can go and see. :)
Hope everyone has a great day!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Apologizing again for being MIA...
Wow! Life really has a way of getting under my skin! I have been meaning to make posts for so long, and when I get around to doing it, something always comes up. My back is still buggered up, we are now having issues with our son, who is already partially diagnosed with ADHD, as is our daughter. Now just to wait to see the specialist who will confirm this. The stuff that works for our daughter does not work for him. Have to find an alternative method to managing him.
On top of all that, weddings and birthdays have kept us busy and not much time for dollies, although I am highly anticipating the arrival of Caroline. My hubby has been informed that she will be the doll I collect her entire collection for. :)
I have been busy crocheting hats to sell though. They are Julie meet hat look-a-likes. Will post those in my etsy store as soon as I can get them photographed properly. The lighting in my house stinks. I am hoping once the kids are back in school full time, which is the day after labor day, that things will calm down and I can get back into sewing.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Fabric Giveaway Contest
I just entered to win some fabric and thought that I would post a link for other people to enter and have a chance. It looks like some nice size print fabric for doll clothes. :) Good luck!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
My hubby and mother decided to surprise me this year. They knew I wanted Kanani and I would keep them updated with the sold out items, but funds were tight, so hubby acted like he was really sorry that he couldn't get her for me. He kept all the AG boxes at my mom's and I opened them up on Christmas afternoon when we went over there for Christmas lunch. Apparently, they decided to go halves and bought me Kanani and a few other things. I love my hubby and mom so much! It made my Christmas. I was happy with what I received before that, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
So sorry for being MIA
I know, it's been way too long for an update. I sorta crashed in the energy department. I didn't do any sewing except for the swaps on the boards and then I just had a bout of depression because of my back injuries. I did get a little done for my daughter's doll for Christmas and have gotten back into it a bit. Now, I just have to get a few things made up so that I can open my Etsy store. I will post the sewing swap stuff that I made and received. A little late, but better than never.
The first two are the costumes I made for the Halloween swaps.
The next two are what I received. I love them both to bits!
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